Join Us
How to EASILY Join AfyaNET
Joining Afyanet is both free and voluntary, and membership is valid for 1 year with automatic renewal upon mutual agreement. The costs associated with the development and implementation of the technology are borne by the technology partners.
To join Afyanet, interested Research Centers and National Health Institutes should:
Confirm intent to participate in Afyanet and sign a memorandum of understanding.
Assign a project manager to organize internal efforts and serve as point of contact.
Support is on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to high interest, we strongly encourage countries to sign up as soon as possible to be included. Hit us with a message if you are interested in being part of it!
Implementation Process
To implement the a DPS system:
The country runs a user needs survey using existing social media channels.
Technology partners adapt app design to match country specifications and survey results.
Together, we formulate questionnaires with a focus on priority diseases, which the country translates into local languages.
The country seeks and obtains Ethics Protocol approval (template to be shared).
A communications and launch strategy is codeveloped based on specific country specific needs and Afyanet experience.
New application is deployed to initial user cohort
Large-scale rollout and data collection, analyses, and results.
Get in touch with us to get started!